The Jamaican Volunteers Association, Inc (JVAI) was founded in 1983 by Donald G. Morgan and registered in Washington, D.C. At this time, the membership was 25 people dedicated to developing and strengthening education, healthcare, and community outreach projects in Jamaica.
We believe that voluntary service is one of the most rewarding service anyone can give to a person, institution, or country. Over the years JVAI has had the opportunity to contribute millions of dollars in cash, equipment, and other material aids essential to advancing the delivery of healthcare and strengthening of the educational institutions in Jamaica. Below is a list of some of our beneficiaries::
- Rise Life Management Services
- Ministry of Education (Primary Education Assistance Project)
- St. Catherine Parish Council
- Lay Diabetes Facilitators Project
- The Heart Foundation of Jamaica (CPR Equipmen)
- The Kingston Public/Victoria Jubilee Hospitals Administation (Medical Sundries)
- Ministry of Health (Laboratory and Medical Supplies)
- Jamaica Cancer Society
- Spanish Town (Repairs to four basic schools)
- Kingston Technical High School
- Ebenezer Home for the Mentally Challenged
- The Womens Centre of Jamaica Foundation
As you can see the needs are many and varied. JVAI is committed to protecting Jamaica's environment, economic stability, healthcare and educational systems. Cooperation between volunteers and the goverment is essential to our future successes. We make an appeal to you to join us in this most worthy venture. Jamaica is counting on you!